The Bathurst Literacy Council was initiated by a small group of enthusiastic women, largely retired teachers, in the late 1970's. At that time, they supported their efforts by holding bake sales to purchase books and other tutoring materials. We are a non-profit charitable organization helping people improve their reading, writing and math skills. Our trained tutors meet with learners on a mutually agreed schedule and location where they work together to improve the learner's literacy and life skills.
We can help with basic literacy training, as well as specific goals like working on acquiring a GED. This is a free, one to one, confidential service offered to adults 18 years and older. If you know someone who could benefit from our service please have them contact us at 506-545-4303 or email |
Reach your literacy goals We offer free, one-to-one, confidential tutoring for individuals (ages 18 years and over) who need to upgrade their literacy and numeracy skills. Our programs are designed to work with those who have no reading ability, those seeking a GED, and those requiring ESL support, using the Laubach method of learning. |
Become a Volunteer Whether you want to become a tutor (training provided using the Laubach Method of one-to-one tutoring), help out with special events and fundraisers, join the board, or assist with administrative tasks (such as data entry, social media), we are sure we can offer you a worthwhile volunteer experience. |
TUTOR I rejoined the Bathurst Literacy Council in 2023 and am amazed at the changes in the program. However, the concept remains the same - each one, teach one. I am an avid reader and cannot imagine not being able to read. Therefore, I am thrilled to be able to help others to read and to write.
TUTOR My love of languages began many years ago and it continues even today. Now, being in my winter years, the journey continues by being offered an opportunity to tutor students in English, so that they too may become proficient speaking and working in another language, in English. It will also be a wonderful opportunity to learn about the students' culture & education. |
Family Literacy Day January 2024
We celebrated Family Literacy Day on Saturday, January 27, 2024 at the Bathurst Public Library. Mayor Kim Chamberlain read two books, one in English and one in French before refreshments and prizes for the children (who participated in the draw.) The Mayor was an animated reader and the children and adults alike were enthralled.