Tutor Training Series
The online tutor training modules are just the first step. After you have completed the online modules you will be scheduled in for a 'virtual' in-person workshop with the Coordinator, Provincial Volunteers. After that, the tutor coordinator at your regional council will familiarize you with all of the resources they have available and will match you with a learner (when one becomes available.)
Please be advised that you may find the occasional typo in a presentation - particularly within the recorded presentations. As these are brought to our attention we are updating the PowerPoint presentations, but going back and re-recording a training module will take us longer to do. These are not a product of poor literacy or inattention to quality, but are a product of desire to make this available as quickly as possible so we did not delay the tutor onboarding process. If you find errors you can report it to info@readnb.ca. Thank you. |
Other Essential Videos for Tutors
Once you are matched with a learner, you will use the Tutor Portal to set goals with your learner and keep track of your session notes (log your hours). There is also a handy link to resources on this site that may be helpful to you. Your login to the portal is your email address. If you don't have a password, or can't remember it, bring your cursor below the Log In (blue button) and choose "Forgot my password". This will send a password reset to your email address on file. |
ProLiteracy Education Network is a comprehensive collection of online courses and resources for adult literacy and ESL instructors, program staff, and tutors. You have access to its resources through the LLNB Member Portal. Most of the resources available on the portal are free. We encourage you to look around and see what is available even if you don't need it right now. You can also join our member portal. Feel free to ask questions or share information in the member portal. |