WURTAL (Websites of Useful Resources for Tutors & their Adult Learners)
Though there are lots of free resources available on the Internet, not all are suited for use with lower-level adult learners. Resources should positively support learning goals with adult-oriented content. Tutors will take into consideration the diversity of interests, perspectives, abilities, learning styles, and maturity levels that adult learners bring to literacy program sessions. Try to select resources that will stimulate learning success, critical analysis, and the ability to make informed judgments. Avoid using materials with child-oriented graphics and content that may be demeaning or irrelevant to adults. Consider adapting resources or creating new ones.
Recommendations for websites will be an ongoing process. All URLs cited were confirmed as of June 2023. However, it is likely that a number of URLs will become outdated as time goes by. We suggest that if you find a web page is no longer available, you try to shorten the URL or go to the home page. If the site no longer works, please let us know at volunteer@readnb.ca.
This WURTAL has been compiled by Alison Teague, LLNB Coordinator of Provincial Volunteers. To download a print version click here: WURTAL 2024. We also recommend you check out the pages for these other WURTALS - English as an Additional Language and Numeracy and Digital Skills.
Recommendations for websites will be an ongoing process. All URLs cited were confirmed as of June 2023. However, it is likely that a number of URLs will become outdated as time goes by. We suggest that if you find a web page is no longer available, you try to shorten the URL or go to the home page. If the site no longer works, please let us know at volunteer@readnb.ca.
This WURTAL has been compiled by Alison Teague, LLNB Coordinator of Provincial Volunteers. To download a print version click here: WURTAL 2024. We also recommend you check out the pages for these other WURTALS - English as an Additional Language and Numeracy and Digital Skills.
The NB Public Library site has several electronic resources on various subjects & e-books accessible with a
library card.
- www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise (Site has English exercises useful for adults.)
- www.gcflearn.org (Practical site for meaning-based learning. Reading comprehension activities and tutorials.)
- English Reading: English Texts for Beginners (lingua.com) (Free texts and comprehension exercises.)
- www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise (A variety of spelling exercises and free downloadable factsheets can be found.)
- www.puzzle-maker.com/
- www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise (English skills for adults include games, writing, spelling, word & sentence grammar.)
- www.gcflearn.org (Grammar practice, videos, tutorials)
- www.eduplace.com/graphicorganizer/ (Site has worksheets for the writing process. See educator resources for spelling & more.)
- http://www2.actden.com/writ_den/index.htm. (Writing Den offers many writing skill levels & topic areas, word-of-the-day & tips galore.)
- www.dyslexiaassociation.ca/english/whatisdyslexia.shtml (This Canadian site is to learn about myths, characteristics, & forms of dyslexia.)
- www.ldac-acta.ca/ (Learning Disabilities Association of Canada has info on LD books, definitions, & links.)
- http://www.testdyslexia.com/ (Free online assessment for dyslexia.)
- Irlen Syndrome Sample Print Distortions - YouTube (Dyslexia/Irlen Syndrome)
- www.moneyinstructor.com - Register for personal finances/money worksheets in US/Canadian currency
- www.jobbank.gc.ca (Site offers job listings, career profiles and essential skill requirements needed, as well as job-search tips.)
- https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/businesses/topics/changes-your-business/starting-a-business.html (Site offers “Starting a business” information.)
- www.monster.ca (Let employers find you by creating an account, upload your resume and use career-rich resources.)
- www.nala.ie/publications/literacy-tools-online-learning-evaluation-report/ (Ireland’s NALA Literacy Tools site has learning activities that you can print or do online in categories like employment. It also has games & tutor aids for spelling & more.)
- www.kijiji.ca/b-jobs/new-brunswick/jobs/k0c45l9005 (Job Search tool.)
GED PREPARATION (soon to be replaced by the Canadian Adult Education Credential - CAEC)
- The Canadian version of the GED has been canceled by GED Testing Services. It will be replaced on 3 May 2024. The Canadian Adult Education Credential replaces the Canadian GED, and consists of a series of 5 tests (Math, Reading, Writing, Social Studies, and Science). There is no effect on the validity of GED credentials that have been completed. The value of your completed GED will not change. For more information see: https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/departments/post-secondary_education_training_and_labour/Skills/content/AdultLearningAndEssentialSkills/general_educationaldevelopmentged.html
- www.mcedservices.com (Learn how to read a map, fill forms & more.)
- www.sheppardsoftware.com (Focus is K-8 but some adult quizzes/games.)
- www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hl-vs/index-eng.php (Gov’t site covers health issues from nutrition →emergencies→ workplace health)
- www.howstuffworks.com (Find out about animals, auto, health & more!)
- www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise
- www.learning-styles-online.com
- www.similarminds.com
- TEDX: Learning Styles and the Importance of Critical Self Reflection - YouTube
- https://abclifeliteracy.ca/ (ABC Life Literacy Canada)
- https://nbliteracy.ca/ (Literacy Coalition NB)
- Home - Decoda Literacy Solutions (Decoda Literacy Solutions - BC)
- www.quia.com/ (Site offers activities & resources for any subject and grade (up to GED). An account with them needs to be created in order to sign in. It offers you a 30-day free trial (limited. access), then wants you to subscribe.)
- http://library.copian.ca (Adult Literacy research & learning resources can be found on the Copian Library site (formerly NALD). There, you can search by subject, title, or author.)
- http://www.literacybc.ca/PLRC/ResourceCentre.html (Literacy BC offers some adult literacy research & resources on their website)
- www.jobbank.gc.ca - Site offers job listings, career profiles and essential skill requirements needed, as well as job-search tips.
- Starting a Business - Government of Canada site
- www.monster.ca - Let employers find you by creating an account, upload your resume and use career-rich resources.
- NALA - Ireland’s NALA Literacy Tools site has learning activities that you can print or do online in categories like employment. It also has games & tutor aids for spelling & more.
- Kijiji Job Search Tool - Job Search tool.
- Job Hunt - Reading and Writing Techniques - YouTube
- Successful Phone Interview Tips - YouTube
- Successful Phone Interview Tips - YouTube
- The Do's and Don'ts of Body Language the Work Place - YouTube
- ABC Life Literacy Canada
- Literacy Coalition NB
- Decoda Literacy Solutions BC
- Alpha Plus - open resources and useful apps
- Laubach Literacy Ontario - Has a special section for tutors & trainers, as well as reading, writing, math, fun & games, computer, workplace, life & lifestyle, world news, essential skills, & research stuff.
- Literacy Nova Scotia - Site offers a series of videos in the Teaching Toolbox, of practical teaching techniques for use with adult learners.
- CopianLibrary - For over 25 years Copian was a national, bilingual voice for adult literacy. When the organization ceased operations its primary asset, the Copian library, has been transferred to CDEACF, in partnership with RESDAC and the Center for Literacy. On this site you will find Adult Literacy research & learning resources (formerly NALD). There, you can search by subject, title, or author. (You’ll find 7 resources that Joan Perry wrote under the name Joan B. Perry, incl. a book of NB learner stories called Live & Learn: Profiling Successful Outcomes in Literacy.