To help tutors in the delivery of one-to-one literacy services, we have provided below some resources we think could be useful when working with learners. We have also included some resources we think are beneficial to your regional councils in their own development or for volunteer development/engagement. We hope you find them interesting, relevant, and helpful,
CONTENT DISCLAIMER: LLNB does not promote, endorse, or recommend any single learning resource, method, or strategy. We encourage a balanced tutoring approach that responds to learner needs, supports learning styles and cultural diversity, and uses resources to facilitate learning that is relevant to the literacy levels and daily lives of New Brunswick learners.
CONTENT DISCLAIMER: LLNB does not promote, endorse, or recommend any single learning resource, method, or strategy. We encourage a balanced tutoring approach that responds to learner needs, supports learning styles and cultural diversity, and uses resources to facilitate learning that is relevant to the literacy levels and daily lives of New Brunswick learners.
Tutor Resources |
Online Training SeriesAdministrative Documents |